Anti-Discrimination Policy

Introduction to the Thule Group anti-discrimination and harassment policy

The Thule Group Anti-Discrimination Policy (the “Policy”) is based on our obligations in applicable national law and on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Principle 6 of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, guidelines from the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the Thule Group Code of Conduct.

This Policy supports Thule Group’s commitment of creating and maintaining a work environment that is open, inclusive, and free from discrimination and harassments throughout our business. No one, internal employees or external candidates, should feel discriminated or harassed in the process of recruitment, promotion or employment. Thule Group recruits, promotes, and employs people based on their individual merits and skills, and encourages and supports equal opportunity.

There is a zero tolerance against discrimination and harassment in all work-related activities and interpersonal relationships at work.

The Policy is based on three fundamental principles:
  • Equality as the number one consideration. All humans are born equal. Therefore, equal treatment of all individuals regardless of ethnicity, cultural background, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age or any other factor are at the highest priority
  • Zero tolerance against discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimization
  • Respect for individuals’ differences in ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, religion and other factors.

Thule Group Whistleblowing line

We urge employees, suppliers or any other external business partner to report any suspected violation against the Thule Group Code of Conduct. 
