Social responsibility

Proceeding from our stakeholder dialogues and the identification of our impact potential within the UN’s 2030 targets, Thule Group has identified eight UN SDGs that will create a structure for our long-term sustainability efforts.

Below we have described our four focus areas in the area of social responsibility.

Goal 5: Gender Equality and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

  • Gender equality and allowing everyone equal opportunities for development and actual participation, as well as equal opportunities for leadership at all decision-making levels, are all part of Thule Group’s core values.
  • We conduct continuous assessments of our employees’ remuneration to ensure an equitable pay structure.
  • Our internal target is to secure a gender-equal company with gender-equal leadership by 2030, with no gender having less than 40% representation.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - targets 16.2, 16.3 and 16.5

  • We strive, through our sustainability efforts, to ensure that neither our company nor any of our suppliers utilize labor that is derived from forced or compulsory labor, slavery or human trafficking, and also ensure that no child labor is used in our company or with any of our suppliers.

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

  • Through our sustainability efforts, we will ensure the elimination of child labor and child abuse. We will promote legal security by adhering to the laws and regulations of the countries where we operate and fight corruption in every manner possible, by conducting our business in an ethical and sustainable manner.

UN Global Compact

As a supporter of the UN's Global Compact, we commit to publishing our report on how we have contributed and how we progress to the development in relation to the Ten Principles.
You can find the latest updates onour section of the UN Global Compact website

UN Global Compact website.