Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee ahead of the AGM is assembled from representatives of the four largest shareholders in terms of votes, who are registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as of August 31 each year, and the Chairman of the Board, who also convenes the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee member representing the largest shareholder in terms of votes is to be appointed as Chairman unless the Nomination Committee unanimously appoints another.
If more than three months prior to the AGM, one or more of the shareholders who have appointed members to the Nomination Committee should cease to belong to the four largest shareholders in terms of votes, the members appointed by these shareholders are to vacate their membership and the shareholder/shareholders who has/have instead become among the four largest shareholders in terms of votes is/are to be entitled to appoint his/their representatives.
If a member leaves the Nomination Committee before its work is completed and the Nomination Committee finds it desirable to appoint a replacement, the new member should be sourced from the same shareholder or, if this shareholder is no longer one of the largest shareholders in terms of votes, from the next shareholder in line. Changes in the composition of the Nomination Committee must be announced immediately.
Normally, the composition of the Nomination Committee ahead of the AGM is to be announced not later than six months ahead of the general meeting. No remuneration is paid to members of the Nomination Committee. Any necessary expenses required for the work of the Nomination Committee are defrayed by the company. The Nomination Committee’s term of office extends to the announcement of the composition of the next Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee is tasked with proposing candidates for Chairman of the General Meeting, the Board, Chairman of the Board, auditors, directors’ fees allocated between the Chairman, other Board members and committee work, auditor’s fees and any changes in the proposed Nomination Committee.
Shareholders are welcome to submit proposals to the nomination committee by email, [email protected].
Nomination Committee 2024
The nomination committee for the 2024 annual general meeting consisted of the following members:
- Anders Oscarsson, appointed by AMF Försäkring och Fonder
- Bo Lundgren, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder
- Helene Fasth Gillstedt, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
- Carina Silberg, appointed by Alecta
- Hans Eckerström, Chairman of the Board, Thule Group AB